

Three lonely figures in a world of cardboard.
They seem to be searching for something.
A friend? A roof? A home?
Or is being without a roof something different from being without a home?
As they build, they find support in the space around them and in each other.

With minimal resources, three performers/dancers create a surprising universe. Meanwhile, they touch on a big theme for little people.

Anna Bentivegna and Zoë Demoustier have danced in various fABULEUS productions and later studied together with Ayrton Fraenk at the Mime Program of the Academy of Theatre and Dance in Amsterdam. In their first joint production, they develop a sensitive, slightly surreal visual language for children.

Physical Theatre Without Words 4+


Upcoming shows:

Past shows:


Concept & performance
Anna Bentivegna, Zoë Demoustier, Ayrton Fraenk/Miguel Do Vale
Final direction
Jef Van gestel
Dramatrugical advise
Peter Anthonissen
Sound design
Michiel De Malsche
Annemie Boonen
Pol Verwilt
Produced by
With the support of
The city of Leuven and the Flemish Community
Special thanks to
Semna Segal and the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK)