Hear The Silence explores the need for embrace in times of disruption.
The starting point is the waltz, once a symbol of European refinement as a music and a dance, but in the 20th century shaken by underlying tensions.
Seven dancers and a musician revisit the waltz and deconstruct the dance form.
In search of collective resilience through a reconstruction with old debris, new compositions and parallels with the present emerge. Hear the Silence is a contemporary plea for dance and music as a form of resistance and connection in uncertain times.
Premiere 12 February 2026. Partners: , laGeste (BE), Ultima Vez (BE), KVS (BE), STUK (BE), Montpellier Danse (FR), South East Dance (UK), Brakke Grond (NL).
Distribution: sepehr(at)lageste.be & anais(at)ultimavez.com
Brussels, Belgium
Brussels, Belgium