Hear The Silence


Hear The Silence explores the need for embrace in times of disruption.
The starting point is the waltz, once a symbol of European refinement as a music and a dance, but in the 20th century shaken by underlying tensions.
Seven dancers and a musician revisit the waltz and deconstruct the dance form.
In search of collective resilience through a reconstruction with old debris, new compositions and parallels with the present emerge. Hear the Silence is a contemporary plea for dance and music as a form of resistance and connection in uncertain times.

Premiere 12 February 2026. Partners: , laGeste (BE), Ultima Vez (BE), KVS (BE), STUK (BE), Montpellier Danse (FR), South East Dance (UK), Brakke Grond (NL).

Distribution: sepehr(at)lageste.be & anais(at)ultimavez.com


Upcoming shows:


KVS (première)

Brussels, Belgium



KVS (première)

Brussels, Belgium


Past shows:


Research residency at Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

More info


Research residency at South East Dance

Brighton, United Kingdom



Research residency at Montpellier Danse

Agora Danse Montpellier, France

More info


Concept & direction
Zoë Demoustier
Anna Tierny, Roshanak Morrowatian, Fyllenia Grigoriou, Minjung Sung, Artemis Stavridi, Misha Demoustier, Silas Martens
Co-creation choreography
Misha Demoustier
Live sound
Rint Mennes, Willem Lenaerts
Rint Mennes, Willem Lenaerts, Misha Demoustier
Lightdesign & stage image
Randall Diagre
Costumedesign & stage image
Annemie Boonen
Direction assistance
Oihana Azpillaga
Danielle van Vree, Dina Dooreman
Artistic advice
Annemie Boonen, Hildegard De Vuyst
Sepehr Sharifzadeh | laGeste & Anaïs Lambert |Ultima Vez
Ultima Vez, KVS, STUK
Thanks to
Diogo Lopes, Ida Osten, Judit Waterschoot, Isabel Dao, Nell Weatherby, Jacob Bousset, Inaki Azpillaga, An-Marie Lambrechts, Luc Van den bosch, Hans Depelchin, Kristien De Coster, Lara van Lookeren, Cath James, Harm Langenkamp, Paul Knevel, 30CC
With support of
Stad Gent, de Vlaamse Overheid, de Tax Shelter maatregel van de Belgische Federale Overheid via Flanders Tax Shelter, Montpellier Danse, South East Dance, Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond